Virtual Access E-Mail Software Newsgroups Software Workgroups Internet and Compuserve

250 Users 1 Internet Connection
With one single IP connection to the Internet you may provide Internet E-Mail to all Local Area Network. Users.

No Additional Hardware to buy!
Connect your Local Area Network with a single Modem to the Internet. With Virtual Access you will be able to provide E-Mail access to all users in the Network. Virtual Access is fully compatible with all Novell, Microsoft NT of Peer to Peer Networks. There is no additional equipment required.

Virtual Access has simply the best message threading in the world, so you can see which message is a reply to which.

Universal Interface
Through the ONE product you can connect to the Internet, CompuServe and Local Services. Just think of the advantages in reduced training time, and fewer pieces of software to purchase.

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Multiple E-Mail Accounts
Virtual Access works with any Internet provider to allow you to Send/Receive E-Mail to/from multiple E-Mail accounts. It also also allows access to multiple Internet providers as well as multiple closed Mail Newsgroup servers such as COMPUSERVE. There is no need to limit yourself to proprietary software!

Both 16 and 32 Bit versions
This is essential in network workgroup installations where you often have mixtures of Windows 3.X, Win95 and Windows NT workstations. Virtual Access is supplied in either 16 or 32 bit version.

SMTP and POP3 E-Mail
Supports both E-Mail receive methods, and is definable on a service-by-service basis.

UU and MIME encoding
Virtual Access automatically decodes incoming files attached to E-Mail messages. When sending attached files, Virtual Access allows you to decide your preferred encoding for uploads.

Mail Rules
Virtual Access provides a method for sorting and managing your E-Mail. The E-Mail sort archive rules may be applied to one user or the entire group. This feature may also be used to sort Personal E-Mail or to forward specific E-Mail to designated folders (such as "sales folder" or "prospects folder".)

Local E-Mail and Newsgroups
Virtual Access supports full, local E-Mail facilities. LAN based Newsgroups are also supported – these are explained in more detail further on. Please refer to Virtual Access for WorkGroups

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Mail Alerters
You can set up the E-Mail Alerter to warn you about new, incoming E-Mail. Incoming E-Mail alerts may be visual, audible or both.

Urgent E-Mail
Want to flag someone immediately over the network with an E-Mail message? A yellow "post-it" note window will appear on the screen of the recipients to alert them of your incoming message .

Modems, ISDN, TCP/IP, Telnet, RAS, DUN: Virtual Access handles all of them. Either singularly or connection-determinable. Virtual Access just communicates! If you have a direct TCP/IP Ethernet connection to the Internet, just watch Newsgroups blast onto your local servers. RAS for Windows 95 or Windows NT connectivity is designed into Virtual Access as well.

WWW, FTP, JPG, GIF, DOC, WK4 files or http references
Virtual Access integrates with Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Explorer or any other Web Browsers. If you see a message with an http address in it, a hot-key within Virtual Access can load up your browser and take you straight to that Web page. If the message contains references to other types of files such as Lotus 123 spread sheets or MS Word Documents, Virtual Access will open the corresponding application to allow you to view the file.

Schedulers are both time or event triggered. Housekeeping routines can be run overnight via the schedulers as well. This is ideal in large workgroup sites where database re-optimization can be done overnight. Virtual Access ‘s schedulers allow you to connect when convenient to your organization to reduce telecomm costs and modem usage.

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Local Conferencing (Intranet)
Virtual Access supports local newsgroups. These can be open (anyone can participate) or they can be closed with assigned moderators who can add and remove participants in them.

Local File Lists/Libraries
This feature allows you to build up local file libraries similar to facilities often used on BBS systems. These can be set to either full or restricted access. This is an ideal way to allow internal file access without giving unrestricted access to large parts of your network. Virtual Access supports descriptions as well as convenient search features so that users can find out what they are about to download . (Note: because local files would reside on your server, the "download" is to a sub-directory on a local hard disk.)

Search Facilities
Powerful Off-Line Boolean and Wildcard search routines may be applied to all or selected parts of the E-Mail message data base.

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Virtual Access is powerful. Some sites replicate up to 1Gigabyte of off-line E-Mail messages onto their servers. Several hundred thousand messages. In such a wealth of information, your ability to find a selected set of messages is like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, Virtual Access has an integrated Bookmark feature that will automatically flag all messages that meet user-selected search criteria. You can then move swiftly from one bookmark to another. Each user can determine what is important and find that information readily.

Virtual Access holds all information in folders that replicate the structure from their host system. Virtual Access allows extensive message manipulation from folder to folder as you require. You can even set up your own folders for copying or moving special categories of messages.

External Newsgroups
Download either full or header (headline) messages depending on what your organization requires. Virtual Access uses NNTP.

Closed Newsgroups
Virtual Access supports "Authinfo" Newsgroup security so your organization can collect information world-wide from your own closed/password protected Newsgroup servers.

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Kill/Getfile Strategies
Virtual Access uses Kill/Getfile Strategies which are extremely powerful and extremely useful to search and filter the information that your organization really needs.

Virtual Access has several levels of security very similar to those found in Network Operating Systems such as Netware. A "super user" or System Administrator dictates how Virtual Access will work depending on the levels of security that the enterprise desires. Security levels are easily implemented and quickly changed.

Virus Checking
Virtual Access can perform a virus check on all new messages and attached files.

Spelling Checkers
Virtual Access is supplied with both American-English and British-English spelling checkers. These can be selected on a user-by-user basis. In addition, for a small fee you may purchase additional language dictionaries: French, German, Spanish, Italian….

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Simple to Use
Easy to use, yet Virtual Access provides you all this power! Virtual Access is truly a power tool for professionals. All a user has to do is PRESS THE ENTER KEY and Virtual Access will automatically take them from one unread message to the next. What could be simpler?

Virtual Access provides some of the best on-line customer support in the world. Upgrades are supplied within 90 days of purchase free-of-charge. You will be given automatic access to our Internet News Server or CompuServe Forum. Virtual Access has been so named because it gives you a "virtual" link to the Internet CompuServe without the associated costs or administration complexities.

Winsock Dialer
Virtual Access gives you everything but the Winsock Dialer. 32 bit users should normally choose the dialer supplied with their Operating System (Win 95 Windows NT). For 16 bit computer users, we recommend using the Winsock Dialer supplied by your Internet provider.